Angela Perone
Sociology/Social Work
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
Angie Perone has a diverse career in LGBTQ activism. As an undergraduate student, she advocated for transgender student housing. As a law student, she volunteered helping low-income LGBTQ persons. As a lawyer, she worked as a nonprofit public interest attorney advocating for LGBTQ persons through marriage equality, parental custody, and employment discrimination cases. She created one of the first transgender-specific elder law clinics while serving as a staff attorney at the National Center for Lesbian Rights, she served on the San Francisco Human Rights Commission’s LGBTQ Advisory Committee, and she also wrote legislation, policy briefs, and FAQs about employment, family, and healthcare rights for LGBTQ persons. In addition to her pursuit of a Ph.D. in social work and sociology at the University of Michigan, she currently serves on Michigan State’s Advisory Council on Aging where she shapes policy in ways that benefit LGBTQ persons and she is also the Director of SAGE Metro Detroit which focuses on services and advocacy for LGBTQ older adults. Her commitment to building bridges among LGBTQ communities and allies demonstrates her dedication to improve social, economic, and political conditions for LGBTQ persons.